I ❤️ My Start-Up
knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies, for the pattern is new in every moment ...
Love your idea enough to give it the effort it requires. Not too much - be ready to let go.
Your idea is worth less than customer insight and feedback. Know that now.
Sort out who owns what. Do that long before it has a value.
Find people to work with who share your values but have radically different skills and mindsets. Respect them and hear their voices.
Build talent. Let it fly.
100% of nothing is nothing.
Equity is for future commitment not a reward for past contribution.
Have enough 'skin in the game' that it ensures your commitment but does not blunt your objectivity.
Believe your own business plan.
Know the target market structure. Spend more time on that than on choosing a logo.
Invest in your network. Share it.
Every start-up is different. Do not mistake rules of thumb for iron laws.
Spend more time with customers than with VCs and other entrepreneurs.
Seek advice to learn, not to reinforce your prior inclinations.
Your idea has a fleeting moment of opportunity you need to be there at that moment. Do what it takes.
Business is about money and you will find yourself spending more time than you would like thinking about it. That is OK.
Have fun. Accept the play of chance.
Tesco value meals are in aisle 8.
Space exploration is costly. A super-yacht might be a better choice.
Willing to take risks and bold decisions.
Always pivot if it doesn't work for a while even if the idea is great.
Know your competitors.
Have a clear revenue plan.